Ryan's Reef

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Palythoas from Tonga

I recently got this colony of palythoas from Tonga, here are the first pictures of it partially open. They exhibit alot of green flourecense and were metallic green under MH's at the store.

More to come, i have once again redone the rockwork and have more zoas and other corals to show as well


Sunday, October 01, 2006

Spotted Hawkfish Joins the Tank!

Yesterday we made a trip to my LFS to look at getting a six line wrasse to replace the cardinal and mandarine i've traded out. But instead i walked out with a Spotted Hawkfish. This individual has mostly white and orange coloration but wears a small greeninsh/brown jacket. Although some can be semi-aggresive i think i found a very docile one as he has been getting along great with his tankmates. This is the first fish that has actually sat still and allowed the cleaner shrimp to perform a complete check-up! Within a hour or two of being added to the tank he was also eating frozen foods so this guy has a very good chance of being a long term addition to the system. I'm keeping an eye on my camel shrimp but i think this guy is gonna be peacefull and just eat the prepared food. I love how he likes to perch on the rocks and he has quite a perky personality, so all in all a very good choice i believe!
Here are a couple pics i was able to get shortly after he was added..... I should be able to follow up with more clear pics soon..
Best Regards